Thank you for being here!

Thank you so much for visiting this page and for helping me fundraise in support of the Preeclampsia Foundation. The Foundation is the country's only organization dedicated to the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, and is heavily reliant on its annual Promise Walks, which generate approximately 40% of its annual (tiny) budget. That funding is likely to fall significantly short this year, even as maternal morbidity and mortality are likely to rise everywhere. The Foundation provides: grants to fund innovative research; evidence-based information directly to women, families, and caregivers; and training for healthcare professionals so they can better care for their patients.

If you're here, you know that preeclampsia - and HELLP- have been a scary part of both of my pregnancies. My son's birth four years ago ended in severe HELLP, which sent me to the ICU for almost a week post-birth. Despite all of the precautions and planning my (amazing) OB helped me manage while I was pregnant with my daughter, her birth still resulted in post-partum preeclampsia, resulting in another four day hospital stay.  In my immediate circle, at least three of my friends who have given birth in the last year have also experienced preeclampsia.

This is a disease that disproportionately affects and kills women of color. This is a disease that stays with you long after the initial seizure risks have passed and you've weaned off of blood pressure medications and weekly doctor visits, contributing to significantly increased risk for heart disease, strokes, and dementia

My family was incredibly lucky: not only did Emme, Theodore, and I all survive, today we are healthy, even amidst a global pandemic.  Lots of women - lots of babies, and their families - will not be so lucky.





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My Supporters

  • Anonymous September 2020 $83.40
  • Christina Brown September 2020
  • Alicia van der Veen September 2020 $50.00
  • Michael Paisner September 2020 $200.00
  • Jessie Cronan In honor of my friend Varina September 2020 $100.00
  • Kathryn + Andy Winder Here's to more research! And here's to all the women and families who have gone through this. August 2020 $250.00
  • Michael Paisner September 2020 $200.00
  • Jessie Cronan In honor of my friend Varina September 2020 $100.00
  • Elizabeth Halliday September 2020 $100.00
  • Laurel Rapp August 2020 $100.00

My Teammates