Welcome to the CIS Central Texas Ready for School Drive!

It's almost back to school time! You can ensure CIS students are Ready for School by donating, fundraising, and spreading the word to others to do the same. For as little as $20 you will help provide CIS students with the supplies they need to be successful in school! From pencils to uniforms, CIS direct care staff will help meet ALL student back-to-school needs.

Interested in getting your team or company involved? Contact Jenny Jensen at jjensen@ciscentraltexas.org to get your company fundriaisng page set-up! 





of your goal reached

Three Ways to Support the CIS Ready for School Drive:

1. Create or Join a Team

Want to get your company or organization involved? Create a team and recruit other people to become a fundraiser. As a Team Captain or Team Member, you will engage inspire others to give. We have pre-set templates you can use for emails and social media which can be found on the Fundraising Toolkit page. We make it easy for our team captains!

Looking for a team? Click here.

2. Become an Individual Fundraiser

As an individual fundraiser, you will invite your friends and family to support the Ready for School Drive by creating and sharing your own fundraising page. Add your own photos, set a goal, and inspire others to give by sharing why CIS is important to you!

Check out the Fundraising Toolkit for some tools to get you started!

3. Make a Donation

Just head to the donate page and enter your donation information!

If you're associated with an organization or company participating in the Ready for School Drive, make sure to click "or Select this button to give credit to a Team or Fundraiser" on the Donate page and select the team/fundraiser name. This will allow your fundraiser to credit and capture your donation! 

What Your Donations Will Provide Our Students:

SSD Giving Levels 2021 (4).png

SSD Giving Levels 2021 (7).png

SSD Giving Levels 2021 (5).png

SSD Giving Levels 2021 (8).png

SSD Giving Levels 2021 (6).png

SSD Giving Levels 2021 (9).png

My Supporters

  • Anonymous 4 weeks ago
  • Anonymous Last month
  • Anonymous April 2024
  • Anonymous March 2024
  • Anonymous February 2024
  • Team Adobe August 2021 $6,500.00
  • Signature Science, LLC August 2021 $2,455.75
  • Anonymous September 2021 $2,000.00
  • Raven's Nest, Inc. July 2021 $2,000.00
  • Cognitive Scale Match September 2021 $1,500.00

Need help or have questions?

Feel free to reach out to Jenny Jensen at jjensen@ciscentraltexas.org.