My Grace Christian School Fundraiser - Kent Phillips

My name is Kent, and this year, I am a senior at Grace Christian School. My school is launching its annual Sports-a-Thon fundraiser, during which we, as students, will be prompted to rally economic support for our school. By raising a fair amount of funds for my school's Sports-a-Thon, I will be fully participating in an important school event, displaying academic excellence to my classmates, and may earn sundry benefits at my school. For this endeavor, I am relying on your assistance, so any support that you provide would be immensly appreciated.


The following is an update of projects on which I am working at school:




Over the course of the past few years, I have been blessed with numerous opportunities for academic advancement. With this and the generous support of my family and church, I have been able to achieve a good academic record. I am currently ranked first in my class by GPA, and have been accepted to Pensacola Christian College.



I had the priviledge of being a part of my school's soccer team since my seventh grade year of school. For the past eight years, my team has won the annual state championship in our conference. This year, we are competing, once again, for the state championship. I start as a right defender for my team, and this season has been a great deal of fun thus far. As a senior, I have learned a lot about leadership on the team this year.



Brainbowl is my school's academic quizbowl club. We compete in an annual, state competition, playing in several rounds of one-to-one, scholastic trivia matches. Last year, my team placed fourth in the finalist bracket, and I placed first for individual score. This year, we are hoping to have another good showing in the competition. I built a trivia program to provide practice material for my team, which has already helped prepare us for the competition this year. The program is free to anyone interested and available online here.

My Fundraising Goals





of your goal reached









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