These SPONSORS are the BEST of the Best!

Many of the businesses and mentions you see below have been amazing support to SBAAZ for many years, and across many different programs and services. Please get to know them if they are present at the event, and if they offer products or services please give them your business & recommend them!

Gold Sponsor

Paralyzed Veterans of America- Arizona Chapter

Supporting SBAAZ programs and services and sharing awesome experiences to partner with those who have served our country!

Silver Sponsor

Soulheart Good Network

The Veterans Project-Soulheart Good Network is committed to helping reduce the number of Veterans every day that feel hopeless enough to take their own life. SGN is the vision in partnership with Soulheart... a design and development team that focuses on simplicity and creativity to help make a positive impact on the lives of others through web design and marketing support.

Andrew Sparkman - Arizona Realtor, HomeSmart

Andrew will work hard to sell your home and find you just what you are looking for in your next home. One of SBAAZ most reliable and generous supporters, Andrew and his wife Jen are parents to a teen daughter with SB. We especially like giving business to families that are affected by SB and hope you will too!

Bronze Sponsor

Ability Center

Long time supporters of SBAAZ, Ability Center will help those with SB reach independence through adapted transportation. A place where you know you will get an honest deal from someone who cares about the disability community.

Premier Design & Remodeling, LLC

Sponsorship starting 2020.. this company will design and build quality into your home project! ADA knowledge & experience. Licensed. Bonded. Insured. Email



RK Silva CPA provides financial services to both individuals and businesses. We give the same attention to all clients, no matter how large or small. The accounting, tax preparation, and other financial services we provide are tailored to the unique needs of each client, ensuring the possible results and maximized returns. Our firm remains on the cutting edge of tax law and financial trends. We are well-informed and continually adapt to the ever-changing world of tax law and accounting. 1208 E Broadway Rd, Suite 120 Tempe AZ 85282 Ph (480) 317-9588