Whether you donate $5, $10 or $1,000 your donations will help SBAK continue to improve the lives of all those effected by Spina Bifida. Whether it be a new moms program, a parent's night out, a mini conference or a Holiday party every day SBAK is coming along side families, like ours, and redefining what it looks like to live with Spina Bifida.

Spina Bifida isn't the coolest thing about Henry Hinson!

When we were told that Henry was going to be born with Spina Bifida it was a shock. We had no idea what to expect and we did what "they" say you should never do and we googled Spina Bifida. If you have ever tried to use Google to deliver a diagnosis well then you know I was convinced Henry was going to be born with 3 heads, 12 fingers and may or may not have looked like a velociraptor. We'll blame that all on the hormones.

We were eventually invited to a playgroup with a local Spina Bifida organization and it was really remarkable, but what was so remarkable about it is that it was unremarkable. Parents were sitting around a table lamenting about the annoying theme song to their child’s favorite show, a mother was talking about how she had just purchased new shoes for her son only to watch him out grow them 3 weeks later, they talked about their summer vacation plans and their daughter’s latest doctor’s appointment.

As I listened to them I watched their children laughing and playing around the perimeter of the room. These kids were doing all the things that doctor had told us just weeks before Henry would never do.

Being in that room that day with that group of parents and their children gave me the greatest gift for Henry. They gave me an attitude adjustment because it became very clear to me watching these children and listening to their parents that doctors can be wrong.  Yes, he has Spina Bifida, but Spina Bifida is never going to be the coolest thing about Henry Hinson.

This is why we Walk-N-Roll to raise money and to raise awareness that there are children and adults every day redefining what it looks like to live with Spina Bifida. 





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Our Supporters

  • William E. Harris, INC. November 2016 $200.00
  • Gabriel Molnar October 2016 $50.00
  • Michael Schuler October 2016 $40.00
  • Harold Heiner October 2016 $200.00
  • Thomas Bateman October 2016 $20.00
  • Zac & Brennan Leet September 2016 $1,000.00
  • cutting edge audio Go Henry! September 2016 $250.00
  • Joan Hanson Go Henry!! Love, Gramma Minne September 2016 $250.00
  • William E. Harris, INC. November 2016 $200.00
  • Harold Heiner October 2016 $200.00