One wave sets thousands in motion...

Journey to Black Belt and beyond

April 16th I tested for my first degree black belt, after nearly six years of training in Seido karate. This is a real landmark for me. I’ve trained alongside my Ph.D. program—I started this journey with kickboxing in 2008, the same year I entered my program. And as I am writing my final chapter of the dissertation—its own landmark to say the least—I find myself simultneously preparing for this new challenge: training as black belt. In the same year I will have earned both my black belt and my Ph.D.


Why have I continuned to train so steadily through this time? There are many reasons, personal and professional, but one reason is that I love and support Thousand Waves’ mission—the work they do and the community they build.


The annual fundraiser is what allows our non-profit karate school to continue its mission of fostering fitness, healing, empowerment and peacemaking. We do this violence prevention and self-defense programming all across the city, and through providing traditional martial arts programs for adults and children of all ages. This fundraiser support the scholarship fund, which enables those who otherwise couldn’t otherwise afford to, take Self Defense classe or train in karate. It allows us to continue with our outreach work for Adapted Seido Karate program (A.S.K), which provides karate for children with disabilities. And, close to my own heart, the fundraising is what allows us to continue the Self-Defense and violence prevention work we do.


Join me in thanking Thousand Waves for all they do. Whatever amount you can give is graciously appreciated. 





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Tabitha Olson Congratulations Erin! It has been an honor to be part of the 1st Kyu Crew with you. And I'm looking forward to more training! Osu! May 2016
  • Amy Jones May 2016 $30.00
  • Autumn Fox OSU, Senpai Erin. I am so glad we tested together. Congratulations! April 2016 $20.00
  • Amy Jones May 2016 $30.00
  • Autumn Fox OSU, Senpai Erin. I am so glad we tested together. Congratulations! April 2016 $20.00