Southeastern Pans/Pandas Association 2019 Walk

Bennett's Bomb Squad

October 19, 2019 10:00am - 1:00pm

Our Team Fundraising Page

It's that time again! Bennett's Bomb Squad raised over $1500 last year, and I think we can do it again!  Please consider supporting SEPPA.......

Bennett was diagnosed with PANDAS in October 2016. It is now a daily part of our lives and we hope that one day it will just be a distant memory. In order for this to happen, so much needs to change. This is where SEPPA's work is critical. SEPPA is a group of medical professionals and parents who have teamed up to raise awareness of PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) and PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Strep), work toward insurance mandates for PANS and PANDAS, and increase educational opportunities for all pediatric healthcare providers.The money raised this year will go toward each of these goals. Please help us help all kids and families affected by this illness.

Our Team





of your goal reached









Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Mike & Jeannie Hammonds October 2019 $100.00
  • Renessa Linstromberg October 2019 $50.00
  • CHAD BALLINGER Lets go Ben!!! Jack Attack, Camgotswag, QueenB got your back Bro!!! October 2019 $50.00
  • Angelique Hebert Good luck Bennett October 2019 $100.00
  • Mona Hammonds October 2019 $50.00
  • Lynette Hughes Good Luck to all of you!! Love, Mrs. Lyn xo September 2019 $200.00
  • Mike & Jeannie Hammonds October 2019 $100.00
  • Angelique Hebert Good luck Bennett October 2019 $100.00
  • Paul and Denise Hebert Good luck Bennett! September 2019 $100.00
  • Renessa Linstromberg October 2019 $50.00