Welcome to my Page!
Dear Friend,
It is that time of year again when I ask you to support Gift of Life Marrow Registry. My mission is to raise money so that we can process swabbing kits and add additional donors into the registry. I want everyone who needs a match to find a match. Gift of Life has saved so many lives by identifying donors and matching them up with people who are suffering from life ending bone and blood cancers. It only costs $60 to process a kit and add a potential donor into the registry, so today I am asking you, how many kits can you support?
How many lives can you potentially save? Thank you for your support! With love, Gail
Thank you – I hope to see you there!
Tell your story here! Your supporters will want to know about you and why you’re fundraising for this cause.
My Supporters
- Bonnie Glick January 2022 $30.00
- Cheryl Kelberg January 2022 $50.00
- Marcella and Alan Aronson January 2022 $25.00
- Andrea and Michael Dubroff January 2022 $100.00
- Jane Idell January 2022 $120.00
- Sharon and Theodore Block January 2022 $25.00
- Robert Fitzgerald January 2022 $125.00
- Gerald and Rhoda Green January 2022 $30.00
- The William and Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation January 2022 $1,000.00
- Cynthia Amar January 2022 $60.00
- The William and Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation January 2022 $1,000.00
- Anonymous December 2021 $350.00
- Mona Rieger In honor of Gail Oliver December 2021 $205.00
- Stephen and Diane Weiss January 2022 $200.00
- Ellen Gelboim November 2021 $185.00
- Richard Goldberg Great csuse! December 2021 $180.00
- Robert Fitzgerald January 2022 $125.00
- Mark Levinstein December 2021 $125.00
- One Huge Day Matching Gifts December 2021 $125.00
- Sherrill Murray-Lazarus November 2021 $125.00
My Teammates
Gail Oliver Team Captain $8,393.60
Ephraim Likerman $4,311.00
Barbara Cohen $4,105.00
Ellen Korelitz $2,710.00
JULIE YOHAY $2,328.00
Linda Halperin $1,921.80
Amy/Tzipi Salzhauer $1,648.00
Jaqueline Schram $1,280.00
Hank Schram $1,280.00
Ken Oliver $365.00
Allen Brand $130.00
Ann Grossman $130.00
Judy Brand $130.00
Patricia Dale $100.00
Risa Stern $90.00
Jason Berg $80.00
Diane Wolfe $78.00
Carol Cukras $65.00
Amy Ribacoff $55.00
Beverly Katz $50.00
Ted Ingis $50.00
Judy Ingis $50.00
Pennie Ascowitz $30.00
Michael Niss $30.00
Ileen Messinger $30.00
Phyllis De Palo $30.00
Mike De Palo $30.00
Jay Gleitman $30.00
Linda Levy $30.00
Pam Garcia $30.00
Lynn Halpern $30.00
Beva Lowe $30.00
Sherl Ranzman $30.00
Karyn Likerman $30.00
Joseph Lowe $30.00
Lynn Brancato $30.00
Jeannette Byala $30.00
Clive Byala $30.00
michelle schwartz $30.00
michael schwartz $30.00
Michael Rosenbaum $30.00
Irina Tarnovsky $30.00
Susan Rosenbaum $30.00
Bernard Grossman $30.00
Edward Muster $30.00
Neil Marcus $30.00
Cheryl Kelberg $30.00
Goldie Witrock $30.00
Taylor Niss $20.00
Brandon Hubschman $20.00
Brittany Hubschman $20.00
Chloe Berg $0.00
Daniella Niss $0.00
Richard Halperin $0.00