Walk or Roll With Share!

Come rock out at the 14th annual Share Autism Walk at Astound Broadband Stadium 04/22/2023! We will be celebrating all individuals with special needs! Don't forget to register every person on your team for a chance to win a prize for the largest team!



To submit your reason for walking just email Erin Barnes at Ebarnes@sharewtx.org.


"When I received my daughter's diagnosis I had never felt so alone. I didn't know it, but her brother was also experiencing the feelings that I was. Through Share I connected with other parents that understood what I was feeling and my son received the same support through Sibshop. We are forever grateful for our Shamily!" -Share Mom



"Jaiden is an amazing 6 year old with Autism. I am so grateful that I get to be his mommy. Diagnosed at the age of 3, we were blessed to join SHARE, very early on, and it has changed our life. I walk because I want the ? to know, having a disability is not something to be ashamed of, if anything it should make you feel like you are genuinely one of a kind!! I walk because I want everyone going through these journeys to know, you are not alone." - Stephanie Sanchez, Share Mom

Let's go!





of your goal reached







