Meg's Fundraising Page

Help this former camper send some kids to camp this summer!

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! On Saturday, March 7, I will join hundreds of my friends and neighbors on a fleet of stationary bikes as part of the Attleboro YMCA's 2020 Spin-a-Thon!

This year, every gift raised through the Spin-a-Thon goes directly toward the Y's summer camp scholarship fund to ensure that every child in our community has access to the magical, life-changing experience of camp!

As many of you know, I started my days as a camp kid at the ripe old age of 3. From camper to staff person to camp parent, I've seen what camp has done for me, my kids, and so many others - giving us all a safe and welcoming place where we can be ourselves, feel like we belong, and find new strength and potential in ourselves. It makes me happy to help make that happen for other kids.

If you'd like to support my Ride with a donation, that would be wonderful! Just click the "Donate Now" button on the right. 

If you'd like to join me on the bikes to support the Y, even better! Click the "Join my Team!" button instead. 

Thank you so much for your support! Both the Attleboro YMCA and I appreciate it!

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My Supporters

  • Susan Dubofsky March 2020 $25.00
  • William Clay Have a great ride Meg February 2020 $50.00
  • Meghan Hamilton January 2020 $50.00
  • William Clay Have a great ride Meg February 2020 $50.00
  • Meghan Hamilton January 2020 $50.00
  • Susan Dubofsky March 2020 $25.00