White Cane Day Quiz

1. According to the Florida White Cane Law, when must drivers stop for a pedestrian using a white cane?

a. Only when pedestrian is within a marked crosswalk

b. Only when the pedestrian is crossing streets with heavy traffic

c. Only when the driver is not running late for work

d. At all times

2. True or False - If you plan on using a dog guide, there is no need to learn Orientation & Mobility (O&M) techniques, or how to effectively use a white cane.

3. Which of the following is NOT a real type of tip for a white cane?

a. pencil tip

b. roller ball tip

c. Q-tip

d. metal glide tip

4. True or False - Only people who are totally blind can legally use a white cane.

5. When encountering someone with a white cane, what should you do?

a. Avoid them at all costs; blindness is contagious

b. Speak to them VERY LOUDY so that they can hear you.

c. Talk to the sighted person accompanying them rather than talking directly to them.

d. Say "HI", and treat them just like you would anybody else.

Don't peek! Answers are below!



1. D. At all times! If you see a person using a white cane, they ALWAYS have the right-of-way.

2. False! O&M techniques and effective use of a white cane are necessary when walking with a guide dog. The dog has been trained to do his job, and O&M and white cane training make for an effective team when moving around the community independently.

3. A, B & C. Only a metal glide trip is a real tip for a white cane. 

4. False. You must be blind to use an all white cane, but people with visual impairment also use white canes with red markings, as well. 

5. D.Treat a blind person just like you would anyone else. Introduce yourself with your name, especially if you have interacted with them before. 

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All About the White Cane

Different Colors on White Cane

An all-white cane means that the user is completely blind and has no usable vision. A white cane with a red bottom means that the user has low, but some usable vision. A white and red striped cane means that the user is totally blind and/or deaf.