The Nation's #1 Police & Public Ride!

NEW AND EXCITING NEWS: Register now for $85 (50K), $95 (100K), $110 (100 mile) and you’ll be automatically given a Tour de Fuzz Champion’s page of your own. If you choose to use it and become one of our super-limited 250 Tour de Fuzz Champions, you’ll receive the following FREE gifts:

  • Friday-nite Pre-ride Guy Fieri Carbo-load Spaghetti Dinner w/beer & wine

  • Tour de Fuzz Champion T-shirt

  • Tour de Fuzz Champion Jersey 

  • Exclusive zero-wait Rest Stop lines with extra goodies like warm Nutella pancakes (A.M.) and chilly ice cream cones (P.M.)

  • Ultimate Do-Gooder swagger and thanks from THE FUZZ!

Earn a limited Tour de Fuzz Champion slot by using our easy online fundraising software and raise $250. We’ll make it easy for you to share your personalized fundraising page on social media, email, and more. It's easier than you think!


New News! Food Network celebrity Guy Fieri’s crew of chefs at 


are taking over our all-you-can-eat food prep and service. Guy loves law enforcement and he loves our police chaplaincy benefactors too. Become one of our Tour de Fuzz Champions during registration (limited to the first 250), and mingle with the crew while they prepare your exclusive Friday-nite Carbo-load dinner!

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