Support my efforts as part of Team OLA 2024!

To no one's surprise I am once again running the Chicago Marathon and raising funds for Mission OLA...

Dear Friends,

It's storytime! About 800 years ago, a rather wild young man stopped to pray before the Lord in a small chapel on the outskirts of Assisi, when he heard the Lord clearly say to him from the Cross, "Francis, rebuild My Church - as you can see, it is falling into ruin." Francis set about collecting stones and motar and began to work on this little decrepit house of the Lord, as well as many others nearby. And you know what, he wasn't just building up the physical strucuture of these buildings. His burning love for God and neighbor was actually rebuilding the living Church, the Body of Christ, the Temple made of Living Stones. He was being renewed, and so were the people around him.

The Lord hasn't exactly vocalized these words, "Run, Cadence, run!" but He has drawn my heart to run after Him! And my literal running with Team Our Lady of the Angels does allow me to run to meet the Lord in the materially and spiritually impoverished, to build them up both exteriorly and interior as children of God through Mission Our Lady of the Angels. 

About Mission of Our Lady of the Angels!

Mission of Our Lady of the Angels exists to provide material and spiritual support to W. Humboldt Park, Chicago - one of the most challenged neighborhoods in the US. The Mission feeds about 3000 families a month, provides additional material and pastoral support to families, youth, and senior citizens, and, most importantly, brings the love of Christ to a neighborhood desperately in need of hope. More info about the Mission at

Funds raised from Team OLA 2024 will be used to:

(1) Help the Mission expand its food pantry + other material distributions

  • Mission of Our Lady of the Angels currently serves about 3000 families a month- and growing!
  • Help the Mission continue to expand and improve this outreach. 

(2) Help the Mission renovate an additional convent for more sisters!

  • We need a separate convent for our young sisters in formation
  • This renovation project is essential to the future expansion of our material and spiritual outreach. Additional details about the project will be released once they are available!

Donate today to be part of the miracle that is TEAM OLA!

The Mission is a 501(c)(3) and relies entirely on the donations of private donors.





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My Supporters

  • Cadence Faurote 2 weeks ago
  • Mollie Crummey 2 weeks ago $100.00
  • Anonymous February 2024 $100.00
  • Sarah Harlan January 2024 $52.00
  • Mollie Crummey 2 weeks ago $100.00
  • Anonymous February 2024 $100.00
  • Sarah Harlan January 2024 $52.00