Teen Empowerment Clubs

Teen Empowerment Clubs are designed to create a more positive, inclusive and empathic school culture surrounding mental health. Dialogue is the best way to reduce the stigma of adolescent depression. Student-powered awareness is the most effective way to encourage communication.

When students talk, other students listen. When teens highlight the importance of learning about adolescent depression, it shows their peers that there is nothing to be ashamed of. It demonstrates that those suffering from depression don’t have to hide. They can talk, they can get help, and they can live.

That’s what awareness does. When it comes from other teens, it is our most powerful tool. We’re proud to help students start a Teen Empowerment Club in their school, run awareness campaigns, and use their voice to Get Depression Out of Dark.

Teen Empowerment Clubs are an important pillar to creating lasting cultural changes in school communities.