My Personal Fundraising Page

My Story

As many of you know, I've had Type 1 diabetes for 35 years. I was diagnosed at age 13, and was fortunate enough to have an awesome mom and dad who provided medical care, and more importantly, educated me on taking care of my disease. One of the doctors told me and my mom that the average lifespan of a Type 1 diabetic is 25 years, post-diagonisis. I think I've proved that doctor wrong.  A lot of my success has to due with my bicycles. 

November 14th is World Diabetes Day. Me and my teammates from Team Type 1 are doing a 24 hour bike relay on Zwift (a virtual reality bike simulator).  A few of my teammates are doing the full 24 hours by themselves.  I am riding 100 miles, and/or 8 hours that day. I may do more depending on how the body holds up. I'm excited that I can ride for so long not have to worry about my diabetes as much as I used to. Technology is so great these days! I'm grateful that I have a good job and a great health insurance program to help me. 

I'm asking for donations to the Team Type 1 Foundation (TT1F). This is a great foundation that helps a) diabetic athletes and b) countries where the supplies and knowledge are not as available as they were for me.    





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My Supporters

  • Vance Nall Great job this month Greg. Glad to support you in our T1D battle. November 2019 $20.99
  • Gavin Gillette November 2019 $26.24
  • Gregory McCreary Way to go Greg! Glad to support your efforts. Keep Riding! November 2019
  • Kimberley Freire Go 50! November 2019 $50.00
  • Mitch Howell November 2019 $104.95
  • Mitch Howell November 2019 $104.95
  • Stephanie Cox November 2019 $104.95
  • Daniel Sage November 2019 $104.95
  • Kimberley Freire GUZ!!!!! November 2019 $104.95
  • Sally Thigpen November 2019 $104.95