Lifting the Underdogs of Atlanta

If you are familiar with Atlanta you know there are many underserved communities struggling to make it day by day. This next generation of youth have some pretty rough things stacked against them.

The Underdog society meets them where they are at, right in the schools where they are struggling, and begins inviting them into a space where emotional wellness and life-long character development can begin to take root. Our vision is to see the undredogs of Society become the undefeated champions transforming cities.

Help our Underdog Initiative Fund

Through this scholarship program our youth can attend our weekend wellness sessions at Pure Horseplay Farm. Learn more in our about section. If we reach our goal we will be able to offer theses sessions to over 50 youth from the Atlanta Community.






For further information email:

or call: (310) 985-2210


  • Joseph Thomas February 2020 $52.00
  • Joseph Thomas February 2020 $52.00

Thank you for your support!

The underdog society advocates and operates on behalf of Restore Life, a recognized  non-profit organization per IRS Code 432.56.215-B. All donations are Tax Deductible. All donations processed minus transaction fees will be distributed to support The Underdog Society's work.