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Let's Step Up for Home Start  & UPLIFT San Diego!

Thank you for joining our efforts to raise funds for two of our favorite nonprofits! Home Start and UPLIFT exist to make transformative impact in San Diego. We believe in both organizations wholeheartedly. We are both Moms of young children so of course we support Home Start & you all know we have served with UPLIFT ever since our Mom, Monica Ball, joined the UPLIFT Ministry in 2001 ♥

Here are links to their websites so you can learn more:

Home Start - Vision: For every child in San Diego to have a safe, stable, and nurturing home.
Guided by our mission to assure the safety and resiliency of children by strengthening families and their communities, Home Start, Inc., a non-profit child abuse prevention and treatment agency, has strengthened and developed San Diego’s families, communities, and systems of care since 1972.

To effectively prevent and treat child abuse, Home Start addresses the conditions that can contribute to risky or abusive situations – poverty, unsafe neighborhoods, lack of affordable housing, and unemployment – while concurrently addressing individual self-sufficiency and emotional needs.https://home-start.org/

UPLIFT - Urban People Living in Faith & Trust - Uplifting San Diego’s inner-city communities by transforming the lives of people in need with Homeless Services & Student Services.  https://www.upliftsandiego.org/

UPLIFT URGENT COVID Reopening related needs include funding for:

  • Student Services - added staff time & equipment to host our FREE Kids At Heart Tutoring as a hybrid model this school year, with both site-based sessions AND virtual platform for low income students, who are especially at risk of falling behind in school right now.   
  • Homeless Services - homeless housing support for Home Team Volunteer Advocate program, turning Shelter to Home for those in transitional shelters and motels 

If you want to make a huge difference, please consider joining our team, starting your own team to support another favorite non-profit too, or if you have the means to give, please consider supporting our team with a generous donation. Any amount is greatly appreciated and will help us Step Up the transformative work of both these wonderful organizations during this time of great need. 

Jackie Bardelli & Jeanine Rios

Step Up 2021 Team Challenge

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