Registration Details:

Registration for this event is online only. 

Individual Participant: $20

Pick a Category &
Individual Participant: $50

Event Details:

When: Thursday, April 23 at 8pm

Where: From the comfort of your couch!

Registration: Please join the Zoom meeting 10 minutes prior to the start of the event. 

Event Coordinators:
Liz Holmes, Events & Communications Manager

Adam Cagle, Director of Corporate Engagement


Play4JA Virtual Trivia

Play4JA Virtual Trivia was created in response to the Covid-19 virus and its immense impact on every member of the community including businesses and non-profits. Non-profits are often the hardest hit in times of economic downturn. As a result we at JA looked to supplement fundraising from cancelled and postponed events with this fun, easy, and innovative endeavor that most likely will become a mainstay activity to keep in step with the ever-changing digital landscape.

How Does it Work?

It's Easy & Fun! 

  1. Register!
  2. Follow the link from your registration confirmation to the Zoom meeting at the time of the event. 
  3. No need to show your face, or talk- just follow along!
  4. JA will provide you with a code when all participants are in the Zoom meeting to begin the game on your phone using Kahoots!
  5. Answer the questions to the best of your ability, no cheating! 
  6. Remember the quicker you answer the higher you score!
  7. Prizes will be given at the end!





of your goal reached










Ist Place- $100 Nemacolin Gift Card

2nd Place - $50 Chilis or Longorn 

3rd Place - $10 AMC Gift Card

See Who's Playing!

Host your own Virtual Trivia Happy Hour with us!

Events can be customized! Make Zoom meetings fun for your group, company, or family by adding a Play4JA Trivia!