Our Team Fundraising Page
I want to let all our friends and family who have supported us in the past 2 years - THANK YOU SO MUCH!! We could not have done it without all of your support. Christopher has just recently past the 1 year mark of being completely CANCER FREE - Praise GOD!! We are so very blessed and fortunate - Christopher is an amazing young man - and all who know him - LOVE HIM!. If you are reading our team page - please come out and join us on May 2nd and have a blast with the rest of our team! If you cannot make it please donate and help us reach our lofty goal of 15,000.00 - We cannot do without everyones support. The ASK foundation is amazing - they do so much of all the families facing Childhood cancer in our area. Please don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions! Blessings, Sue
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Team Badges
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Our Team
- PF Pamela Flores $50.00
- RS rochelle smith $0.00
- KH Kurt Hain $0.00
- AN Angela Nash $0.00
- SD Stormn Dowden $0.00
- AD Aiden Dowden
- BD Bella Dowden
- JM Jasmine martinez $0.00
- TG Thomas Glazier $0.00
- DB Darren Broughton $0.00
- BO Ben Overstreet $0.00
- LG Lauren Glazier $0.00
- GB Gretchen Broughton $0.00
- NB Nate Broughton
- EB Evan Broughton
- NB Nora Broughton
- AL America Long
- CO Christine Overstreet $0.00
- ZO Zach Overstreet
- DO Dylan Overstreet
- TO Tyler Overstreet
- SC Sue Chaffin Team Captain $0.00
- MC Meagan Carmody $0.00
- CC Christopher Carmody
- CC Crystal Covington $0.00
- JC jason covington $0.00
Da'Vette Johnson $0.00
- AS April Selph $0.00
- CE Casey Etter $0.00
- JW Jameca Walker $0.00
- CS Cathy Simpson $0.00
Our Supporters
- Todd O’BRIEN May 2020 $25.00
- McGeorge Toyota Matching Gift May 2020 $25.87
- Brian Casey So Proud of my Amazing Sister Sue Chaffin organizing and raising awareness and much needed funds for TEAM CHAMPION CHRISTOPHER for her Grandson Christopher William "CW" and his ONE YEAR Anniversary of being Cancer Free! We Love & miss you and are there in May 2020 $25.00
- McGeorge Toyota Matching Gift May 2020 $103.50
- McGeorge Toyota Matching Gift May 2020 $51.75
- April 2020 $10,000.00
- Anonymous Can’t wait For May 2nd to support Team Christopher on another strong year February 2020 $2,500.00
- McGeorge Toyota Matching Gift May 2020 $150.00
- Debby Hallcom Rock on for Jesus Christopher! May 2020 $150.00
- McGeorge Toyota Matching Gift May 2020 $103.50