My Personal Fundraising Page
On Sunday, April 28, 2019, I will be participating in the Walk for HAWC. The Walk is a treasured North Shore event that brings together members of the community raise critical funds for HAWC (Healing Abuse Working for Change) and domestic violence survivors.
Did you know that in the United States, an average of 20 people are believed to be abused by intimate partners every minute? And, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been physically abused by an intimate partner. This is an issue I really care about, and I am walking to show my commitment to ending domestic violence.
It will take all aspects of our community coming together to make change possible. Please consider donating to my efforts to help survivors of abuse!
My Supporters
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My Teammates
- LG Lisa Golden $680.75
- DD Destinee DeJarnette $242.00
- COLLINS MIDDLE SCHOOL Team Captain $188.50
- AK Amaya K $180.60
- PN Petra Nicholson $102.75
- AM Ana Maloon $97.50
- KD Katelyn Dzedulionis $60.50
- EC Elijah Chinel $51.25
- DC delia collins $50.00
- OB Olivia Barreira $40.00
- AJ Antonio Justo $35.50
- KD Kaylee Delaney $25.70
- JS Julia Sumner $25.25
- JM Jonathan Moya $22.75
- JC Jaydalise Castillo $20.00
- JP joel Paulo-Acevedo $18.50
- KR Katiana Reyes $15.75
- AE Anilsa Elena Perez $15.75
- SG Stephanos Gentry $10.50
- DG Dislenny Garcia Jerez $10.50
- AV Ayaris Velez $5.00
- AF Ada Fernandez $5.00
- LM leylanni martinez $5.00
- TH tyelah HE $5.00
- LR Luis R $5.00
- SL Shaely Lora $5.00
- NH Natalie Hernandez $5.00
- AR Adam Rodney $5.00
- JP Justin Perez $5.00
- JL Jostin Lora $5.00
- AO Aaron O $5.00
- CQ Chris Q $5.00
- JN Jonathan Newland $5.00
- LP Linser Perez Juarez $5.00
- JE julie edmunds $5.00
- SC Sebastian C. $5.00
- DD Destinee D
- OB olivia barreira
- AE Anilsa Elena
- DG Dislenny Garcia
- KR Katiana Reyes
- AR ana r sosa
- WY wascar y $0.00
- CP chris p $0.00
- LA Lenny Alvarez Mosquea $0.00
- DC Damian Castro Almonte $0.00