Go Team!! Michelle's Marvelous Meal Makers!!

Join my team and let's demonstrate how a lot of people doing a little bit can make a bit difference! Your participation inspires others, which inspires others, and on and on. What is Food Insecurity? (aka Hunger): the state of being without reliable access to enough affordable, nutritious food. That means some days dinner is served, and some days it's a couple bites, or nothing at all. As income waxes and wanes, so does your ability to get food. -- In Minnesota 338,000 people don't have enough affordable, healthy food to eat every day. --Food is more expensive than ever. A family of four with two parents earning more than $12/hr is above the income threshold for SNAP (food stamps). --Half of the people affected by hunger are children and seniors - our most vulnerable and under-represented community members. --We have enough food and money. We need the desire to ensure ALL people have ALL meals EVERY day.

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” — #MayaAngelou

In a world filled with so much abundance and potential, let's make sure breakfast, lunch and dinner are served for every single individual and family.

PRISM serves up to 160 households each day. That's 2000 visits each month. We see families, seniors, and people with a range of disabilities. 

We are the safety net to the public safety net. And we are a supplement. If we want people to thrive, let's start with the basics - a healthy diet, every day.

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  • MICHELLE Ness October 2022 $26.50
  • MICHELLE Ness October 2022 $26.50