Our Newest Participants
- LO Luke O'Donnell $63.00 raised
- PH Pamela Hawes Berg
- SB Steve Berg $30.00 raised
- VJ Vallery Jackson $80.00 raised
- JK Jake Krueger
- AE Al Eckoldt $30.00 raised
- DZ David Ziebell $30.00 raised
- PZ Pam Ziebell $139.50 raised
- ZG Zhoei Gilmer
- KP Khi Price
- SP Stephanie Price
- EG Elijah George
- BP Brianna Price
- NG Natalie Goines
- AP Ashli Price
Dawn Thomas Semanko $84.00 raised
Recent Activity
Luke O'Donnell created and joined Christine's Critters
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Christine's Critters has earned the Team : Most Donors Badge
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Luke O'Donnell has earned the Most Donors Badge
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Luke O'Donnell has earned the Team Fundraising Leader Badge
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Pamela Hawes Berg joined Lupus Royalty
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Steve Berg has earned the Team Fundraising Leader Badge
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Steve Berg created and joined Lupus Royalty
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Vallery Jackson has earned the Team Fundraising Leader Badge
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Vallery Jackson created and joined OOPS NO LOOPS
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Jake Krueger registered
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Walk to End Lupus Now - Milwaukee 2025 Leaderboard
- 1 Pam Ziebell $139.50 raised
Dawn Thomas Semanko $84.00 raised
- 3 Vallery Jackson $80.00 raised
- 4 Luke O'Donnell $63.00 raised
- 5 Steve Berg $30.00 raised
- 6 Al Eckoldt $30.00 raised
- 7 David Ziebell $30.00 raised
- 1 Pam’s Lupus League $199.50 raised
- 2 Fighting for Lupus Warriors $84.00 raised
- 3 OOPS NO LOOPS $80.00 raised
- 4 Christine's Critters $63.00 raised
- 5 Lupus Royalty $60.00 raised
1 Pam Ziebell $109.50
2 Dawn Thomas Semanko $54.00
Walk to End Lupus Now - Milwaukee 2025
May 10TH is also WORLD LUPUS DAY!
Lupus knowledge, research, and treatments have come a long way in the 23 years since the first Walk to End Lupus Now - Milwaukee, in large part because of the work the LFA, WI Chapter and its valuable supporters! The funds raised at this event allow us to continue supporting lupus research, and providing education, advocacy, and resources to lupus warriors.
Saturday, May 10, 2025
Hoyt Park & Pool (1800 N. Swan Blvd. in Wauwatosa)
All Pre-registered participants will receive a walk t-shirt! Pre-registration is open thru Noon on Thursday, May 8th. Pick-up your t-shirt when checking in on walk day between 8 am and 9:45 am.
Following noon on May 8th, go to the event day registration opening at 8 AM. T-shirts are only guaranteed to pre-registered participants. Prices increase to $35 per adult and $20 per child (15 & under).
The kick-off ceremony is at 9:40 AM and the walk begins at 10 AM. The walk is approximately 2 miles and starts and ends at Hoyt Park near The Landing next to the pool building.
Come early and enjoy the fun!!
The band Close Enuf will be performing, we will have children's entertainment, and a light snack following the walk.
We have new and exciting pledge-raising incentive prizes, and each team* will receive a team sign that can be decorated at the Decoration Station! Show your walk team pride as you decorate your signs, and fill out additional “Why I Walk” signs to show your support. *(4 or more pre-registered individuals can make a team)
If you are not comfortable coming to our in-person fundraiser or you simply cannot make it that day, please consider signing up as a virtual walker. Just like an in-person walker, you can sign-up as an individual, join a team, or start a team! You can earn a team building medal if you have 10 or more on your team and you are eligible for all fundraising prizes.
United in a common cause: to find the cure for lupus. Lupus supporters realize the urgency to find a cure before one more person is devastated by this mysterious and sometimes life-threatening disease. Join us and walk to end lupus now!
We cannot wait to see you at the park again, and cannot thank you enough for all you do for the lupus warriors in your lives. Because of events like the Walk to End Lupus Now – Milwaukee, LFA, WI Chapter can continue to provide much-needed services to the people who need them most. Because of YOU, lupus warriors in Wisconsin will continue to have access to information, education, support groups, programming, and other forms of support.
This walk goes on rain or shine. If it is raining, and you do not wish to walk, please come to the park and pick up your t-shirts in the pre-registration area. We do not mail t-shirts.
Keep raising those funds thru June 6th!!
Reach for that next incentive prize!!
- Raise $250 and choose a hot/cold pack or tbd.
- Raise $500 and choose tbd or tbd.
- Raise $1000 and receive a tbd.
- Raise $2500 and receive a $50 Amazon gift card.
- Raise $5000 and receive a $150 Amazon gift card.
These prizes are cumulative, so the more you raise the more prizes you receive.
Lupus knowledge, research, and treatments have come a long way in the 23 years since the first Walk to End Lupus Now - Milwaukee, in large part because of the work the LFA, WI Chapter and its valuable supporters! The funds raised at this event allow us to continue supporting lupus research, and providing education, advocacy, and resources to lupus warriors.