How to Register and Fundraise

  1. Click Create a Fundraiser below and choose Fundraiser.
  2. Complete the steps to add your photo or create a team.
  3. Personalize your page and share your story to help everyone see why Queen Louise Home matters to you.
  4. Set your fundraising goal.
  5. Call, text, and email your friends, family, and circles.
  6. Use Facebook or Twitter to share with your social network. 
  7. Send thank you emails to those who donate.
  8. Follow LSSVI on Facebook and share our posts so that your circles become familiar with what we do.

Fundraising Tips

Feeling shy? Not sure how to start fundraising?
Download our tips sheet to help you get the ball rolling. 

Remember: There are email templates on your fundraising dashboard to help you get started too! Log in and check them out. 



facebook.png Want to fundraise on Facebook? When you connect your fundraising page to Facebook, you include donations received through Facebook to your goal. Here's how:

  1. Create a fundraiser on our website
  2. On your fundraising dashboard, click connect your fundraiser to Facebook.
  3. Enter your Facebook credentials in the popup. 
  4. Personalize your story and connect!

Still have questions? Download this guide or watch this video for more info.

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