My Personal Fundraising Page

We need your help! Students are chosen based on need so some of these students may not have another opportunity like this EVER. Please help send this on a once-in-a-lifetime trip by donating!

Why I Love The Woods Project!

This is my fourth year participating in Walk for the Woods and my fourth year going on a summer trip! I love the Woods Project because my students get to have experiences that challenge their minds and bodies. They build skills and friendships. They get to see beautiful views and connect with nature. The Woods Project makes this all possible by providing gear and experienced leaders. 

We need your help! Students are chosen based on need so some of these students may not have another opportunity like this EVER. Please help send this on a once-in-a-lifetime trip by donating!





of your goal reached

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My Supporters

  • Andrew Frassetto May 2020
  • Anonymous May 2020
  • Anonymous May 2020
  • Jessica Merino February 2020 $20.00
  • Jessica Merino February 2020 $20.00