Join me in the Second Annual White Cane Walk for the Lighthouse for the Blind & Low Vision to raise needed funds for the free programs that they offer to the Tampa Bay community.
By donating today, you can help children like 3-year-old Filip. He was born premature and developed Retinopathy of Prematurity, which caused him to have limited vision and depth perception. At one year old he started in the Lighthouse’s Early Intervention program. With the help of motivational toys with music and sound, his Lighthouse teacher and his family, he began to move around and explore his world. Filip was given a white cane, fitted for his size and before long he was using the cane to move around unknown areas.
Funds raised through the White Cane Walk, will help the Lighthouse continue to fund the FREE programs for clients, from infants through seniors, which are living with blindness or low vision. You too can help the Lighthouse’s clients stay and grow more independent in their lives; at work, with their family and friends and their mobility within the community.
Please join us for the White Cane Walk. You can register to become a walker, start a team, collaborate with a sponsorship, or make a donation. Be sure to save the date and walk with us on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024!