Uniting in Pink Wigs for Carolina Breast Friends

In its third year, Wiggin Out for Carolina Breast Friends is a community-driven campaign featuring 12 Big Wigs dedicated to furthering the mission of Carolina Breast Friends. A Big Wig is a leader in our community who has a passion for bringing awareness to Carolina Breast Friends through fundraising to support the FREE programs and resources they provide to anyone anywhere on their breast cancer journey. Thanks to your generosity, we have exceeded our initial $90,000 target, which will go toward funding Carolina Breast Friends' many transformation programs. Only with the support of our amazing donors and community partners, can we realize our vision of developing new program initiatives and expanding our impact on the breast cancer community. Despite the Wiggin Out campaign coming to an end on May 31st, breast cancer will persist until a cure is discovered. The increasing need for support for patients with breast cancer has prompted Carolina Breast Friends to set a new fundraising goal of $145,000. With an emphasis on young Survivors and Thrivers, Co-Survivors, and Previvors, the additional funds will enable us to develop new programming possibilities. Will you join us in making this extra effort for the breast cancer community? Donate to a Big Wig today! 100% of your donation will fund the programs and services available at Carolina Breast Friends -- all of which are offered free-of-charge.





of your goal reached







