My Personal Fundraising Page
I'm participating in the 2022 Winter Walk becasue I believe ending homelessness is within our reach. Please learn more about the Winter Walk at and consider a donation to my efforts.
As I type this message the temperature outside is 18 degrees. In the next few days and especially the Month of February we will experience some of the coldest days. Tomorrow's forecast has us at 0 degree at the lowest. While many of us have the benefit of a roof over our head and a warm bed to keep us and our loved ones warm and safe, those with no walls to protect them continue to struggle the harsh reality of finding a place to avoid freezing out in the streets.
While some find refugee as the only hope of survival during these extreme temperatures, the term "Homeless" encapsulates more than what many visualize- those with cardboard signs. Innumerable people in MA and across the country experience displacement and housing instability that does not fall under the reporting criteria. Many are families with children and those in dire need of behavioral health and medical care. For those struggling with chronic conditions requiring electricity or refrigeration to maintain their health the impact is devastating.
This is your opportunity to help. CCA is partnering this year to join this incredible cause and I am ready to bundle up and Walk to bring awareness. We will meet in Springfield to do the walk by Riverfront. Feel free to join us, and more than anything if you are so moved, consider a donation. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for taking a moment to read this. As we count our blessings, don't underestimate the ability to help. We can all do our part to help the most vulnerable. The walk will support several great organizations. I choose to the Pine Street for all they do to serve those many have forgotten.
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Marian Geller February 2022 $50.00
- Courtney Murphy January 2022
- Sandra Munier January 2022 $50.00
- Marian Geller February 2022 $50.00
- Sandra Munier January 2022 $50.00
My Teammates
Kristin Ten Bensel $260.00
Sandra Munier $150.00
Julie Fine $100.00
Susan Luce $100.00
Lindsey Diforio $50.00
gia catanzarite $50.00
Megan Mason-Pleau $50.00
Michael Wagner $50.00
Deirdre Madden $45.00
Nicole Pomeroy $40.00
Finn Bubar $10.00
Linda Medeiros $0.00
Rosa Maria Olortegui Team Captain $0.00
Lee Callan
Marybel Delgado $0.00
Deborah Shea $0.00
Anne Boffa
Vanessa Bernecer
Catylyn Finlay
Brianna Shephard
Jessica Menard
Korvachei Hernandez
Lindsay Bubar
Ben Bubar
Mary Brown $0.00
Abey Jacob
Ed Rohan
Paul Souza
Gail Carvelli
Maria Savlick
Jorie Epstein-Mares
Moya Rose
Erinn Daily
Kelli Barrieau
Carmen Merced $0.00