Team BMC Fundraising Page


Team BMC is proud to participate in the Winter Walk for the fifth consecutive year in support of Boston Medical Center’s homeless and housing insecure patients. Homelessness and housing insecurity (a history of homelessness, moving at least twice in a year or falling behind on rent) are some of the most pressing concerns among BMC’s patients and have only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. To make matters worse, only one in four eligible families have access to affordable housing. This often comes with lengthy waiting periods—in Boston alone, the waitlist for affordable housing units is eight to 10 years.

Housing is a key social determinant of health, one that can lead to serious medical complications. For example, respiratory attacks are commonly triggered by inadequate housing. It is also proven to contribute to poor child health outcomes and missed educational opportunities, which can adversely impact the potential for economic stability over a lifetime.

With a commitment to advancing health equity and a focus on addressing social determinants of health—like housing—through its wraparound care approach, BMC puts into action the ideal that a place to call home is the key to thriving. This work includes various initiatives centered on securing stable housing for its patients and their families, such as The Boston Opportunity System Collaborative—a partnership between the City of Boston, large city hospitals and community organizations that focuses on opening pathways to employment and affordable housing options for people in Boston’s disinvested neighborhoods.

Extending beyond the traditional scope of medicine to care for the patient as a whole would be possible without generous donors like you. We invite you to help us reach our goal of raising $50,000 to benefit BMC’s initiatives and programs centered on addressing homelessness and housing insecurity. With your support, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need BMC most.





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Our Supporters

  • John Hancock Matching Gifts Program March 2023 $500.00
  • Natixis Investment Managers March 2023 $125.00
  • Goldman, Sachs & Co. March 2023 $250.00
  • Anonymous March 2022
  • Antonia Perry February 2022 $500.00
  • Feitelberg Family Fund February 2022 $1,000.00
  • Jeff Schneider December 2021 $1,000.00
  • Samuel Becker January 2022 $750.00
  • John Hancock Matching Gifts Program March 2023 $500.00
  • Antonia Perry February 2022 $500.00