Team Leaderboard
New Boston Strong
MC Hammers
Board of Believers
Residential Collaborators
Wild Westford
Full Rankings
Rank | Top Teams | Amount Raised |
1 | New Boston Strong | $65,376.77 |
2 | MC Hammers | $54,300.25 |
3 | Board of Believers | $48,605.19 |
4 | Residential Collaborators | $37,926.56 |
5 | Wild Westford | $21,319.64 |
6 | Fabulous NuVegas | $16,863.63 |
7 | The Navigators | $16,675.33 |
8 | The NuComers | $3,675.00 |
9 | The Bob Squad | $625.00 |
10 | Lura Lane | $500.00 |
11 | Happy Birthday, James | $350.00 |
12 | JP Pest Services | $160.00 |
13 | Wonderful Women of the WEST! | $112.00 |
14 | Sanchez's Colon | $0.00 |
15 | Concord Road | $0.00 |