Currently, about 2,000 shelter beds for men are available each night in Denver, but only 40-50 temporary beds are for women. This disparity is because it was thought that many more men were homeless. It has been realized that there are actually many, many homeless women, but they are in hiding. They are in the shadows because they fear for their safety. Homeless women are assaulted, on average, weekly. It's heartbreaking.

Please join us in our mission to care for these women. They need a shelter, a place to rest. This fundraising effort will launch the renovation project at the newly acquired Samaritan House Smith Rd. This empty warehouse will become a shelter for women desperately seeking a safe environment. The facility will have a 100 "wet" bed overnight emergency shelter. This is for women that may or may not be sober/clean. The women staying here will be fed breakfast and dinner at the main Samaritan House. They will be transported to and from the overnight shelter by bus.

In addition to the emergency shelter, this facility will also have a 50 bed "next step" area designed to move women from homelessness to independent living. This will be a short term 30 day stay to transition women from the streets to a more structured environment.

Through a vibrant and compassionate group of believers and non-believers alike, we are going to raise the $50,000 necessary to launch this critical ministry to combat the growing population of homeless women.

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