Our Team Fundraising Page

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Here's our story...

Jada's Story

In September 2008, Tim and I found out we were expecting our first child. We were so excited as we had been longing for and trying to get pregnant for nearly a year and a half. Our families were excited for us and we began dreaming about how our lives were about to change.

In January 2009, we found out we were having a girl and I began to enjoy her frequent, joyful kicking. We couldn't wait for her to arrive!

On Tuesday night, April 21, 2009 Jada was kicking away. Our cockatiel, Petey, was standing on my stomach and I remember laughing as he tried to figure out the source of the kicks below his feet. Wednesday morning I was having contractions. Jada wasn't moving around, but I wasn't surprised as I had read that with the contractions she wouldn't be very active. I had a scheduled Dr's appointment that afternoon for a 37 week check-up. I remember having this feeling that I would deliver Jada that weekend as Tim would be finished with school, Thursday, April 23, and the timing seemed perfect.

Tim and I went to the Dr. and everything seemed great until the Dr. placed the Doppler on my stomach to listen to Jada's heart. At every previous appointment, the second the Doppler hit my belly we would hear a strong, rhythmic heart pounding. That day was very different. She placed the Doppler on my belly and there was silence. She moved it around, saying that Jada may be laying in a way that made it hard to hear the heartbeat, but still there was nothing. Then she explained that her Doppler was pretty old, and maybe it needed new batteries or something. She went to get another Dr.'s Doppler, because it was newer and was sure that it would work better. Again she placed the Doppler on my stomach and there was silence. My heart sank as I knew something was very wrong. The Dr. suggested we do an ultrasound, just to make sure everything was ok. Her gut told her that there wasn't a problem, but she said we should make sure. Tim tried to stay positive, but my hope was fading fast. We said a prayer and asked God to clearly show us her heartbeat on the ultrasound.

We went into the room for the ultrasound, I hopped up on the table, and the Dr. started up the machine. She started the procedure, and I recognized Jada's heart from the previous ultrasounds we'd had. I stared, waiting to see it move, but the four chambers remained still. Eventually the Dr. apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I just do not see any sign of life." In that moment, our hopes and dreams were crushed as the unthinkable happened to us.

After phone calls to our parents and prayers for a miracle, we went to the hospital for a second ultrasound to confirm what our Dr. had told us. Unfortunately, it was confirmed. We went home and wept until it seemed that there were no more tears. We rallied our family to continue praying for a miracle, and they rallied others. We knew that miracles happen and could happen for us.

We decided that I would be induced on Thursday, April 23rd and continued praying that when Jada arrived we would hear her cry. The labor was quick and our little Jada Grace was born at 3:46 p.m. on Friday, April 24th, 2009. To our great disappointment, we did not experience the miracle that we had prayed for. Our beautiful baby girl was born still.

The rest of the day was spent fellowshipping with family, rejoicing in knowing that our baby girl was safe in Jesus' arms, and taking lots of pictures.

To date, the cause of Jada's death is still unclear. The autopsy report was inconclusive but stated that the placenta showed slight signs of separation from the uterine walls (placental abruption). During my pregnancy with Fiona, we visited a perinatologist who suggested that in his opinion a cord accident was most likely the cause.

Jada's Life Verse:
What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have Him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven -- and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you'll have it all -- life healed and whole.
- 1 Peter 1:3-5

God has blessed us with two healthy baby girls since losing Jada eight years ago. On May 19, 2010 we welcomed Fiona Grace and on January 17, 2012 we welcomed Annabelle Mae.

We will never know the answers to the "why"s this side of heaven, and that's okay because God promised us what is on the other side of heaven and that makes every day worth living. As I think of the sacrifice that God made, by sending his Son to this world to give His life to save the lives of sinners like us, I cannot feel sorry for myself or that I have been dealt an unfair hand in any sense. Without God's sacrifice, I would never know my sweet Jada Grace, but because of His sacrifice I will know her. Not only will I know her, but I will spend an eternity with her, and Tim and I will have a complete family picture one day. Praise God!


Here's why we are raising funds...

The Missing GRACE Foundation exists to serve families like ours, who have experienced pregnancy loss. This year, on September 16, 2017 we will be participating in our 9th Hope & Hearts Run/Walk in honor of our Jada Grace. All donations will go to the Missing GRACE Foundation to help them continue serving and supporting families like ours.

You can support us by either joining our team and running or walking for the cause, by making a tax-deductible donation to the Missing GRACE Foundation, or by praying for us, our families, and our team.Thank you for visiting my fundraising page!

Our Supporters

  • Ann Lubenow September 2017 $100.00
  • Debbie Lessard September 2017 $50.00
  • Anonymous September 2017
  • Virgil Kardell September 2017 $100.00
  • Julene Stitt In loving memory of your big sister Jada Grace September 2017
  • Katie Carter We love you Jada Grace!!! Fiona and Annabelle, you make your big sister proud! Chad, Katie, Mya and Eden September 2017 $100.00
  • Ann Lubenow September 2017 $100.00
  • Virgil Kardell September 2017 $100.00
  • Katie Carter We love you Jada Grace!!! Fiona and Annabelle, you make your big sister proud! Chad, Katie, Mya and Eden September 2017 $100.00
  • Debbie Lessard September 2017 $50.00

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