2022 Flutie 5k for Autism   ○   Your Way 5k

Breanna Flagg

About me




Tell your Donors about your Fundraising!

I am raising money to help other families who have a loved one with autism. In November 2020, during covid, our son, Liam was diagnosed with autism. Although we saw a few social issues early on, in general, he was hitting all his milestones. At about age 3, we saw his skills greatly begin to regress over time. Now at 6, there are things he could do or say at 3 that he no longer can. His attention and compulsions have also become worse over time. After a lot of waiting during covid, he is finally getting many different services. Everyday is different, and some days are really hard. We try our best to stay positive but we want for Liam what other kids his age have. We will continue to always do what is best for him and our family and we know that even though some days we wish he was "normal" we are starting to realize that loving someone with autism is a true gift and he is extremely special in his own way. We hope to continue to raise awareness, understanding and acceptance of autism and help other families in this journey. I greatly appreciate any donation you are able to make. Love you all. 

My 5k Details

When I am running:

Where I am running:





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Breanna Flagg Fundraiser! October 2022 $1,000.00
  • Rob and Jo Anne Ferullo October 2022 $105.00
  • Anonymous October 2022
  • Kenneth McGuinness October 2022 $50.00
  • Kristen Smith Sorry to miss the fundraiser. Best of luck on the 5K! October 2022 $40.00
  • Breanna Flagg Fundraiser! October 2022 $1,000.00
  • Anonymous 3rd September 2022 $640.00
  • Anonymous First round September 2022 $370.00
  • Anonymous Round 2 September 2022 $273.00
  • Mike Kaveney Great cause Bre, and great message. October 2022 $262.50