The 2023 Honolulu AIDS Walk

Participation is easy!

1.) Register to walk! You can walk as an individial, or you may join a team, or start a team of your friends and family.  

2.) Ask your friends and family to sponsor your walk.  Remember, every dollar counts!  Create fundraisers and social media posts asking people join you in raising money to support people living with HIV. 

3.) Join us Saturday, June 17, 2023, at the beautiful Kapiolani Park for a fun-filled morning celebrating our community.  


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does it cost anything to participate?
A: No!  Registration is 100% free!  However, everyone who raises $50 will receive a commemorative 2023 Honolulu AIDS Walk t-shirt.

Q: When is the 2023 Honolulu AIDS Walk?
A: Saturday, June 17 at the beautiful Kapiolani Park 

Q: What should I wear?
A: Red is the color we honor HIV with.  Donate $30 during your registration and pick up your 2023 Honolulu AIDS Walk t-shirt the morning of the walk.