2024 Honolulu AIDS Walk   ○   Batteries Not Included

Jared Smith

June 15, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm

My Personal Fundraising Page

3rd year's a charm!

2023 was a big year as I hit the 25 year mark for testing positive. This might be the last year we are stationed on Oahu, and walking in the Honolulu AIDS walk so I'd like to go out on a very HIGH note! 

Wherever I live, I do my best to make a contribution to the local organizations that care for those most in need. This will be my 3rd year walking for the Hawaii Health and Harm Reduction Center. I recently had a tour of their facilities and saw first hand where my friend's and family's contributions have been put to work. There are even NARCAN vending machines on Oahu for saving lives of those experiencing overdoses. This group does it all and I want to boost them once again. 

Thank you for reading my page, joining my team and/or contributing to the goal! I can't do any of this without you. Mahalo! 





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Anonymous Last month $190.00
  • Anonymous …. because you are a great human Last month
  • Racquel Orenick Last month $50.00
  • John Holloway Last month $50.00
  • Mark Coffino LU Muff. Happy to be a part of this with you. Last month $200.00
  • Marcy Brown Last month $500.00
  • Lisa Clark Love you Jared. Thanks for all you do for others. March 2024 $250.00
  • Mark Coffino LU Muff. Happy to be a part of this with you. Last month $200.00
  • Drive JobTips Last month $200.00
  • Anonymous Last month $190.00