My Personal Fundraising Page

Why I Walk

In my first pregnancy I was diagnosed at 24 weeks with preeclampsia with severe features and my daughter, Juliette, had intra uterine growth restriction (IUGR) and measured in the 1st percentile. I was hospitalized and responded well to the medication, we hoped I could stay pregnant and give our daughter a chance to grow. Unfortunately, a week later, my health was deteriorating quickly and the placenta was no longer bringing the blood and oxygen that Juliette needed. We had to make painful decisions regarding our daughter's care. I was induced to save my life, sadly Juliette died during labor. A week later, I learned that preeclampsia had further damaged my body, I was diagnosed with peripartum cardiomyopathy (pregnancy induced heart failure). With help from an incredible medical team I was able to physically recover from heart failure and and healed from the damage of preeclampsia.

I walk because I strongly believe research is the path to finding a cure for this devastating disease that doesn't involve delivery.

I walk so people know the symptoms of this disease and can advocate for their care.

I walk for Juliette.

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My Supporters

  • Marie-Laure Firebaugh February 2024 $30.00
  • Marie-Laure Firebaugh February 2024 $30.00