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Why We Walk

There are so many unknowns during pregnancy and motherhood.  While it is true that babies are born everyday, complications related to pregnancy, labor, and postpartum seem startlingly common.  We all have our own stories...

For Alix Burns, she was lucky​ enough​ to have a fairly easy and healthy pregnancy. Her baby was breech so a c-section was scheduled.  Alix's blood pressure was a bit high when she arrived at the OR, but the c-section went smoothly and she delivered a healthy baby girl, Addison Renee.

However, after delivery, Alix's blood pressure continued to spike, reaching 217/110. Clinicians tried different medications and magnesium drips to prevent a seizure or stroke which could be life threatening.  After spending a terrifying week in the hospital, Alix and her family were finally able to go home.  Still, Alix had to monitor her blood pressure and take medication for 7 months.  The cause of Alix's hypertension is unknown and she still fears that her blood pressure could reach dangerously high levels again.  It most certainly would with another pregnancy.   

Hoboken is one of the most supportive mom/parent/family communities out there. Summer Mommies 2022 was (and still is!) a lifeline for so many of us.  Let's all come together to support Alix and the other women affected by pregnancy related hypertensive disorders.

The Promise Walk for Preeclampsia™ supports the mission of the Preeclampsia Foundation as we improve the outcomes of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy by educating, supporting and engaging the community, improving healthcare practices, and finding a cure.





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Our Supporters

  • Terrill & Molly Petersen 2 days ago $100.00
  • Paula Johnson Thank you Alix Burns for bringing light and help to this issue 4 weeks ago $50.00
  • David Thum All our love! - The Thums Last month
  • Daniel Werner Go Alix! Proud of you for your work on this Last month $200.00
  • Heather Cross Last month
  • Google May 2024 $500.00
  • Alix Burns February 2024 $500.00
  • Meredith Kaushik February 2024 $250.00
  • Daniel Werner Go Alix! Proud of you for your work on this Last month $200.00
  • Irina Casale March 2024 $200.00