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Why We Walk

Dane and Brodie are the reasons to why I walk and am co-chair of the Central Wisconsin Preeclampsia Walk. 

In 2008, I was pregnant with my first child, a baby boy! I was so excited to be a first time mom and he be the first grandchild on both sides of the family. At 24 weeks I became very ill, doctors did not think I was going to make it, so they called my family to come say their goodbyes to me. I was diagnosed with HELLP syndrome, the most severe level of preeclampsia. All I remember is being rolled into surgery, they were delivering my sweet baby Dane to save my life. He was perfect. Small, yet so perfect in every way. He weighed 1 pound 5 ounces and was 12 3/4 inches long. PERFECT. He was a true fighter. He faced many obstacles including three surgeries. He passed away 32 days later. To say our hearts and lives were shattered would be an understatement. I never knew I could love someone so much as I loved him. He was so adorably cute, and would always hold my finger, open his eyes for us, and make us laugh by picking up his legs or blowing bubbles. He lives in our hearts forever!

Fiver years later my husband and I tried again, after seeing a specialist and being monitored closely. We found out we were expecting in October of 2013. Thrilled, excited, yet scared. Again, we were expecting a baby boy! We were so thrilled!! I made it past the 24 week mark, thanks to many prayers!! I was 32 weeks along when I got ill again. My husband rushed me to the hospital and 4 hours later, we had a c-section to welcome our 2nd baby boy into the world. Again, HELLP Snydrome showed it's nasty face, luckily I was further a long and our baby had healthy lungs. Brodie Dane was born weighing 4 pounds 3 ounces and was 17 1/2 inches long. He looked exactly like his big brother! He spend 25 days in the NICU. Now he is a happy and healthy almost 10 year old! He has brought so much pride and joy into our life that we were missing with the loss of Dane. We talk about Dane a lot, we go visit him at the cemetery, we think about who he'd be today, and most of all our love for him is strong!! He is still with us and will always be. He lives in our hearts, forever! 





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Our Supporters

  • Anonymous June 2024
  • Dana Tuszke May 2024 $26.25
  • Doris Siefert From Doris Seifert April 2024 $25.00
  • Traci Pieper April 2024 $26.25
  • Kathy Ostrowski April 2024 $50.00
  • Kathy Ostrowski April 2024 $50.00
  • Dana Tuszke May 2024 $26.25
  • Traci Pieper April 2024 $26.25
  • Doris Siefert From Doris Seifert April 2024 $25.00
  • Janet Taylor To Brodie, from Jack April 2024 $25.00