My Personal Fundraising Page

I run to support families like mine! Hemophilia has been part of my entire life. My father had severe Hemophilia A and needed daily treatment. I am a carrier for the disorder. It doesn't affect me personally, but I did pass it on to my son Jeremiah. We found out almost immediately after he was born that he has severe Hemophilia A. He received multiple doses of factor VIII before coming home from the hospital. In his first 2 years of life, we took many trips to the ER to get more infusions of factor VIII. He had so many bruises that I was afraid people would think he was abused. And I have spent countless nights worried about whether or not to take him to the ER. Medication has improved tremendously since my father was little! When Jeremiah turned 2, he started a new medication that I inject in his leg once a month. This is such an improvement over going to the ER to get an IV medication. He is doing well, but I will always worry about falls and accidents. The Hemophilia Foundation of Greater Florida has been a source of comfort, community, and education. They were my first call after his diagnosis. They instantly connected me with other moms and helped me know what to do next. Please consider walking/running with us or donating to this amazing organization. Your support will help families like mine!





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My Supporters

  • Mary Jo Tracey October 2022 $50.00
  • Jason Wong October 2022 $200.00
  • Facebook Donor October 2022 $10.00
  • Facebook Donor October 2022 $30.00
  • Patricia and Robert Sikora Run fast, run hard, have fun! We are proud of you! September 2022 $50.00
  • Jason Wong October 2022 $200.00
  • Mary Jo Tracey October 2022 $50.00
  • Patricia and Robert Sikora Run fast, run hard, have fun! We are proud of you! September 2022 $50.00
  • Facebook Donor October 2022 $30.00
  • Kristin Wong September 2022 $25.00

My Teammates