Charlie's Race Against Rett

Welcome to our family! We are so excited to be running in the Disney Princess Weekend with Girl Power 2 Cure for the SIXTH year! This year is more exciting than ever as we inch closer and closer to a cure! This spring, the FDA approved the first EVER drug for the treatment of Rett syndrome which is HUGE news! Only by your donations is this possible, so THANK YOU! We look forward to updating you as we move closer to race weekend and hopefully finding a CURE too!

The reason we fight!

Our story is similar to many others. You begin with a perfectly healthy child. Then, around 6 months, your precious angel starts to lose her skills. She begins to clap repeatedly, which causes her to be unable to use her hands. Her beautiful babbling begins to fade to silence. You wonder what is happening to your beauty? Where is she going? And then you hear those words that shake you to the core: RETT SYNDROME. You hear little else during this conversation, except this: INCURABLE. What a blow! Now what? NOW YOU FIGHT! 

We are in the fight of our lives, and the lives of our precious angels, to find a CURE! And right now, we are closer than ever! Please help us support Girl Power 2 Cure in their efforts to raise funds for research for Rett Syndrome. Reasearch that may one day lead to a cure!

A Little More about Rett:

Rett Syndrome is a debilitating neurological disorder that predominantly affects females (but can also affect boys). Rett Syndrome is the leading genetic cause of severe neurological impairment in girls and is characterized by a single gene mutation that leads to underproduction of an important brain protein known as MECP2.

Kids are born “normal,” but without the protein, begin to lose acquired skills between 1 and 3 years old. Most lose their ability to speak, walk or use their hands, and depend on their families for every part of their day. Complications also include seizures, scoliosis, and the potential for sudden death.

Despite their physical disabilities, girls and boys with Rett Syndrome function at a similar cognitive level to their peers. Amidst the mass confusion in their central nervous systems, they are smart, strong, and waiting bravely for us to unlock the door to a cure and their recovery. 

Today, there is no cure. But Rett Syndrome is potentially CURABLE! Mouse and primate experimental treatments have proven that once MECP2 protein levels are restored to normal levels, symptoms subside.

My Supporters

  • Kathleen Harris Many blessings Leslie Myers and Amy Cole. December 2023 $50.00
  • Highland Local Fundraiser donation October 2023 $392.00
  • Jenifer Miller Caps Tickets Auction Winner- September 24 August 2023 $76.00
  • Katie Peddicord Run Jen run!!! We love you Charlie girl August 2023 $75.00
  • Scott Magee August 2023 $450.00
  • Scott Magee August 2023 $450.00
  • Highland Local Fundraiser donation October 2023 $392.00
  • Thomas Giffin Can't wait to meet Charlie in July!!!!! May 2023 $150.00
  • Laura Mechak August 2023 $100.00
  • Ray Ebert Go team Jen! August 2023 $100.00





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