Team Leaderboard

Fundraising Page: Alley Cats First Place

Alley Cats


Fundraising Page: KPMG Third Place



Fundraising Page: Exec.Board Fourth Place



Full Rankings

Rank Top Teams Amount Raised
1 Alley Cats $2,500.68
2 Strategic Financial Partners $2,207.89
3 KPMG $1,592.00
4 Exec.Board $1,444.42
5 EY - Pin Pushers $1,428.29
6 10 SONS $1,241.91
7 EY - Rock 'n Bowl $1,193.00
8 Pinny Hardaway $1,068.65
9 Spare Me $968.40
10 The Bowling Stones $884.99
11 EY - Pin Sinkers $862.86
12 Strike Masters $854.79
13 Sweet Pin Music $782.87
14 EYe on the Prize $707.79
15 EY - No Splits Necessary $700.00
16 AZ On a Roll... $648.16
17 Drain Heavy $558.00
18 LIFO The Party $550.00
19 Transcendent 12 $525.15
20 Regions Strike Zone $459.66
21 Essential 6 $457.91
22 Strikes & Spares $450.00
23 RBG Kicking Assets $450.00
24 UTHSC Big Strikers $434.13
25 Horizon Strikers $419.80
26 Holy Rollers $375.00
27 Life Members $307.42
28 Bankrollers $293.96
29 WITTBowlTJR $210.79
30 Los jugadores de bolos $75.00
31 MansBOWL $0.00
32 Hablar en CĂ­rculos $0.00
33 Past Presidents $0.00
34 Baby Sammiches $0.00
35 E=MC Spared $0.00
36 AZ HOLA $0.00