It looks like you previously participated in a different event, but you're not registered for this fundraiser yet.
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Awarded when Anyone reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded when Anyone raises the most funds
Awarded when Anyone completes their profile
Awarded when a Team Member raises the most funds for their team
Awarded when Anyone gets the highest number of donations
Awarded when a Team reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded when a Team raises the most funds
Awarded when a Team gets the highest number of donations
Awarded when Anyone When the school raises $300,000
Awarded when Anyone When a participant is the Top Individual Fundraiser
Awarded when a Team When a team raises $20,000 with 100% participation, they earn 45 minutes of recess with a bouncy house
Awarded when Anyone reaches $100.00 in donations
Awarded when Anyone reaches $350.00 in donations
Awarded when Anyone reaches $1,000.00 in donations
Awarded when a Team When a team raises $20,000 with 100% participation
Awarded when Anyone When a logic or rhetoric student raises $5,000
Awarded when Anyone When a faculty or staff member raises $5,000
Awarded when Anyone When a Grammar student raises $5,000
Awarded when Anyone When a Grammar Student has 20 different donors
Awarded when Anyone When a Logic or Rhetoric Student has 20 different donors
Awarded when a Team When the faculty/staff raises $20,000 with 100% participation
Awarded when Anyone When a Grammar student raises $10,000
Awarded when Anyone When a logic or rhetoric student raises $10,000
Awarded when Anyone One Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric Team during the Most Donors Challenge Weekend
Awarded when Anyone When a team raises a total of 13K by Sunday, October 16
Awarded when Anyone When a participant raises $50 on Thursday October October 13
Awarded when Anyone When a participant raises $50 on Tuesday October 4
Awarded when Anyone When the school raises $51K between September 30 and October 2
Awarded when Anyone When a participant has 20 different donors, they earn coffee/tea/breakfast smoothie and breakfast on December 16 and 19
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