I've been a supporter of Bikes Not Bombs for many years and this year I'm again raising funds in the annual bike-a-thon which takes place on September 11th.
Bikes Not Bombs is a small, non-profit that knows how to operate with very low overhead. For almost 40 years, Bikes Not Bombs has been making a difference:
In our community - by engaging and training young people in the earn-a-bike and other programs.
For the environment - by reclaiming thousands of unwanted bikes, and encouraging sustainable transportation.
Across the world - by sending these bikes (along with tools and training) to groups in third world countries where they are reused.
You can help keep this all going by making a donation here.
Finally, you can sign up for the ride yourself at https://bikesnotbombs.org/ - there are four distance options to choose from (10 to 100 miles) and the fundraising minimum is refreshingly low!