Bike-A-Thon 2024   ○   Go Team!

Lisa Kempler

September 8, 2024 6:30am - 9:00pm

My Personal Fundraising Page

Why I Support Bikes Not Bombs

Bikes Not Bombs is a great organization. It collects unwanted bicycles, reburbishes them, and gets them to people who need them for transportation -- In Boston, Latin America, and Africa.  It also teaches local kids how to bike and care for their bikes, and employs them in its stores.

I first learned about BnB when my daughter did the program, built her own bike and learned to get around Boston on her own. She also collected 40 bikes to donate to BnB  - 40 bikes to pass along to others. 15 years later, she still uses her bike.   (The same Trek she refurbished then!)

Now I'm an advisor to Bikes Not Bombs. 
I give of my time because the work they do is . . . really inspirational and impactful.

Plus: This year I've create a Bike-a-thon Team: Go Team!

Join me in supporting BnB

- Donate and support me on my Bike-a-thon ride
- Join Go Team! and bike with us on September 8th!  (Register here and Select "Go Team!")

If you're looking for additional ways to contribute, ask me about them.

Thanks for donating!

Lisa and the Go Team





of your goal reached









Join My Team!

My Supporters

  • Leslie Mehrez 6 hours ago
  • Michael Agostini 9 hours ago $150.00
  • David Rich A day ago $105.00
  • Todd Flanagan A day ago $105.00
  • Alan Weiss Go, Lisa! A day ago $100.00
  • Michael Agostini 9 hours ago $150.00
  • David Rich A day ago $105.00
  • Todd Flanagan A day ago $105.00
  • Anonymous A day ago $105.00
  • sameer prabhu Good luck Lisa! A day ago $105.00

My Teammates

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