Prayer Journey 2024   ○   MoveIn Europe Development

Harriet Sherman

June 15, 2024 10:00am - 7:00pm

My Personal Fundraising Page

In just a few weeks Movein will be hosting their annual Prayer Journey, this year on June 15. This global event will be happening in many locations in ON and other parts of Canada…but also around the world in Latin America, Indonesia, the Philippines and even India, to name a few. Regular Christians walking prayerfully through some of the broken places of our world asking God for His touch, for the change that is so needed.

This event is attended annually by many Moveiners but it is also an invitation to the wider church to show support and be a part of something beautiful that God is doing in our world.  We can all be involved by joining a walk (I’d love you to join me if you are up for that. I 'm joining a group who are doing a 50k bike ride through Scarborough) and there is also an opportunity to “sow into this movement” financially. I find both of these opportunities very exciting!!

My heart is still very attached to Europe. I love the selfless people who are pioneering God’s work in countries such as Germany, France, Portugal, and Sweden amongst refugees. As well, there is the work in Albania which some of you sent generous gifts towards last year.

Do you know that because of your generosity, last Sept 100!! young Albanian Christians (from Roma background) were able to attend their first ever Christian conference with MoveIn? I was floored by their humility, coupled with their passion to go tirelessly to help with literacy work amongst their own people in small, forgotten villages. They are “going and growing” in a difficult place.

I would love to invite you to join me for this Prayer journey by “sowing into MoveIn Europe” for their development and for the training of more people who otherwise might not have this opportunity. Wouldn’t it be exciting to see $10,000 raised for this “post Christian” continent that still needs the gospel so desperately?! That is my goal, but I need your partnership.

Donations will have double the impact, as each dollar will be matched by a generous donor. I have also been reminded in these days that our Heavenly Father is still “in the business of multiplying our loaves and fish.” If you would like to join me, please visit my page and make a donation. No gift is too small. 

Thank you so much for your heart in this Kingdom initiative!

Peddlin'50K for Europe!!


Amount Raised Before Matching Fund





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Philip Ney June 2024
  • Jacqueline Johnston June 2024 $100.00
  • Bernice England June 2024 $500.00
  • Kathleen Sutcliffe June 2024 $50.00
  • Anonymous June 2024 $50.00
  • Anonymous May 2024 $1,000.00
  • Bernice England June 2024 $500.00
  • Jacqueline Johnston June 2024 $100.00
  • Jean Ankenmann MoveIn Europe - 50K - with Harriett Sherman June 2024 $100.00
  • Kathleen Sutcliffe June 2024 $50.00