My Personal Fundraising Page
This is year #5 of our pacticipation of the Children's Heart Foundation Heart Walk. When I wrote our update last summer heading into the 2022 walk, I couldn't imagine the 2023 walk without Aiden. Yet, now he's our angel, watching over this, and encouraging us. Congential Heart Defects or Disease (CHD) - the most common birth defect, will not win.
Aiden is so much more than his medical story. He was a medical miracle and Dave, Caleb and I were blessed with 3.5 years with him. It was his lifetime, unfortunately, and we'll miss him for our lifetimes.
We walk for research. So not only early detection, but maybe giving a kiddo who is as complicated and complex as Aiden was a chance. Aiden had 3 successful open heart surgeries, countless caths. But he was stronger than the medical "stuff."
He LOVED learning, was a huge fan of preschool and anything Sesame Street, but especially the Foodie Truck segement with Cookie and Gonger. He loved seeing "friends" and going on adventures, usually to the park or a new to him place. He loved reading, music, and goofing off with his brother, Caleb.
Please help us raise money to honor his memory, this little light of ours we miss dearly.
My Badges
Heart Aware
Awarded when Anyone reaches $75.00 in donations
Awarded 01/15/2023
First Donation
Awarded when Anyone receives 1 or more donations
Awarded 01/15/2023
Heart Friend
Awarded when Anyone reaches $150.00 in donations
Awarded 05/17/2023
Heart Hero
Awarded when Anyone reaches $500.00 in donations
Awarded 09/15/2023
Heart Warrior
Awarded when Anyone reaches $1,000.00 in donations
Awarded 09/16/2023
Fundraising Achieved
Awarded when Anyone reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded 09/16/2023
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Meghan Haberman September 2023 $51.50
- Anonymous September 2023
- Matthew Sebek Love the Sebek family September 2023 $154.50
- Lori Hobrath September 2023 $50.00
- Anonymous September 2023 $25.00
- Matthew Sebek Love the Sebek family September 2023 $154.50
- Brianne Middendorf January 2023 $103.00
- Jodi Eastwood September 2023 $100.00
- Marilou and Mark Weidus May 2023 $100.00
- Meghan Haberman September 2023 $51.50
My Teammates
Brianne Middendorf Team Captain $1,613.60
Mary Assad $227.25
Traci Schmidt $101.50
Adam Belmonte $100.00
Joseph Phipps $100.00
Karla Phipps $100.00
Melissa Barner $90.00
Selena Bryant $82.40
Dave Middendorf $75.00
Kevin Risner $50.00
Karl Schmidt $0.00
Dave Middendorf $0.00
Jim Phipps $0.00
Claire Spada $0.00
Loretta Spada $0.00
Alicia Miller $0.00
Holly Slife $0.00
MaryAnn Ciulla $0.00