My Personal Fundraising Page

Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read over my fundraising page.

My name is Joshua Nowlan, I am a Colorado resident and an active below the knee amputee athlete. I’m an outdoor enthusiast, craft beer lover, concert enthusiast, local sport supporter, and I enjoy any challenges that can put me to the test. I am a survivor of the 2012 Mass Shooting of the Aurora Movie Theater where I incurred injuries that resulted in the loss of my leg while protecting two of my friends. Since then, I have dedicated myself to sharing my story in order to help other trauma victims suffering from PTSD and limb loss.

I am excited to share that I’ve been chosen to participate in the adventure of a lifetime. I will be traveling from my home in Denver, CO to Ecuador with a team of amazing amputee athletes from across the country. Together, we are going to climb several giant mountains in order to provide prosthetic care to amputees who aren't as lucky as we are. To have prosthetics and prove to the world that with proper health and prosthetic care, an amputee can do anything they put their minds to.

But I can't do any of it without your help.

I’m doing this for a lot of reasons. Yes, it’s going to be an EPIC AND CRAZY ADVENTURE, which if you know me, I enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone and making new memories and friends.

But this is so much more than just a trip for me. It's a chance to continue to prove to myself - and to the world – that “I am not a product of my circumstances, but a product of my decisions”. Along with dedicating this climb to my late son Ryan, who was as adventurous as I am before he passed away.

Amputees can do anything with the correct proper healthcare. Missing a limb doesn't mean we can't literally climb mountains. This is my chance to use my extreme privilege to help amputees who aren’t so lucky.

This fundraising project is my way to make a difference and to give someone a leg. To give them the support they don't have and make a change for somebody that needs it.

I want to raise $10,000 before I begin my climb.

Here’s how your donation will help me, and in the lives of an amputee.

1. Motivate me to follow a (VERY INTIMIDATING) training schedule. So I will be physically and mentally ready to take on a mountain in Ecuador and not embarrass myself to my fellow teammates, family and friends back home.

2. Directly help amputees. Your donation will do things like provide someone with a prosthetic leg,

3. Change the life of someone who deserves to live an independent life that they dream of.

Please give today to help me help amputees like me who deserve the resources and tools needed to live their lives independently.

Why I Climb

Your story goes here. 

Climbing for ROMP 2024





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Judi Garfinkel Best wishes in this incredible endeavor! Your efforts are so impressive. A day ago $150.00
  • Trish Stalsis 3 weeks ago
  • Kristin Cage Pretty amazing Josh! Can’t wait to hear about your adventure!!! 4 weeks ago $50.00
  • Sabrina Abla You've got this, Josh! We are cheering you on! 4 weeks ago $105.00
  • Arden Kelsey Good luck Josh! You are awesome and amazing!!! 5 weeks ago $50.00
  • Kristen Nicholson Climb those mountains! ⛰️ Last month $1,000.00
  • Judi Garfinkel Best wishes in this incredible endeavor! Your efforts are so impressive. A day ago $150.00
  • Sabrina Abla You've got this, Josh! We are cheering you on! 4 weeks ago $105.00
  • Matthew Tassell Good luck Josh! incredible adventure and great cause! Last month $105.00
  • Joanna and Michael Konetzke Sounds like an amazing adventure for a great cause! Last month $100.00