Research breakthroughs happen every day -- help us make them happen for CMT!
I challenge you to help me turn my $5,000 into $20,000 for CMT research. Here's how it works.
1. Please consider making a donation to the CMT Research Foundation through my personal fundraiser. Just click "Donate Now" to get started. The fundraiser will last until December 31, 2022.
2. I will personally match every donation made through my fundraiser, dollar for dollar, up to $5,000.
3. An anonymous donor has pledged to match every single donation through the end of the year, dollar for dollar, up to $250,000!
So, your $100 will combine with my $100 to make $200, then the anonymous donor will match that for a total of $400. Or your $250 will combine with my $250 to make $500, and the anonymous donor will match that for a total of $1,000. You get the idea. This works with any amount of up to $5,000, so give a little or give a lot -- either way the impact will be quadrupled.
"But, Keith," you say, "where does the $250,000 come in?" I want to be absolutely transparent. The anonymous donor will match ALL CMTRF donatons through the end of the year, up to $250,000. That means that if you make your donation before the limit is reached, it will be quadrupled -- first doubled by my match, then doubled again by the anonymous donor. But if you make a donation after that limit is reached by the entire organization, then your gift will be doubled rather than quadrupled.
The CMT Research Foundation is the only nonprofit dedicated solely to funding research that will deliver effective treatments and cures for the millions of families who need them today.
Give a little or give a lot. Or start your own fundraiser to support the CMT Research Foundation!
Thank you for your generosity.
Learn more about the CMT Research Foundation and how we accelerate progress in CMT research. Visit today.