
Full Rankings

Rank Top Participants Team Name Amount Raised
1 Candice Sampson Pipers Posse $1,536.16
2 Pip Happy Soul Project #PipsArmy $1,363.23
3 Brittany Caffet Team Henry ♥️ $1,054.87
4 Maya Miller Maya’s Marchers $1,051.97
5 Ashleigh Evans The lucky few crew $936.91
6 Sweeta Zaman $936.07
7 Courtney Chartrand $670.71
8 Mark and Michele Vigar Vancouver Island Down Syndrome Society $640.26
9 Paul Crowley $551.97
10 Monika Myers $511.85
11 Danielle Weidmark The lucky few crew $440.72
12 Courtney Carr Arthur's Allies $333.87
13 Patrick Carr Arthur's Allies $327.96
14 Jennifer Crowson Owen's book club $321.00
15 Danielle Gray The lucky few crew $309.85
16 Tracy Boutin Team Carmelle Boutin $307.90
17 Quinn Facco Cai Guy’s Crew $303.95
18 Alisha Bruce Team Carmelle Boutin $240.00
19 Paul Sawka Paul Sawka's Team $195.72
20 Cindy & Chris Carr Arthur's Allies $151.97
21 Rosanne Baran Arthur's Allies $145.00
22 Hillary Myhal The lucky few crew $129.94
23 Anton and Carol Krys Micheals Club $103.95
24 The Red Barn Team Carmelle Boutin $103.95
25 Wendy Lynd Team Carmelle Boutin $103.95
26 Krysta Gregoire Saskatoon Down syndrome Mommas $103.95
27 Courtney Nagle $103.94
28 Sarah Caraher CDSS Staff $103.94
29 Brenda Garcia Waterloo Wellington Walks for CDSS $100.00
30 Judy Poirier Team Carmelle Boutin $100.00
31 Kate Patterson The lucky few crew $100.00
32 Laura Sweetnam Micheals Club $100.00
33 Chelsea Carr Arthur's Allies $100.00
34 Laura Haller Lily's Warriors $75.99
35 Ruaridh Crowson Owen's book club $71.83
36 Max Crowson Owen's book club $71.83
37 Felicity Rankin $51.97
38 Ben Carr Arthur's Allies $51.97
39 Nancy Marchand HEARTS Ability Society $51.97
40 Vanessa Richard Waterloo Wellington Walks for CDSS $51.97
41 Mia Yokoyama Team Leo in Kingston $51.97
42 Tara and Natalie Carr Arthur's Allies $51.97
43 Courtney Cassel CDSS Staff $51.97
44 Rosanna Whyte The lucky few crew $50.99
45 Jocelyn Langlade Arthur's Allies $50.79
46 Paisley Veldkamp Micheals Club $25.99
47 Desiree Veldkamp Micheals Club $25.99
48 Nao Hatamochi-Pinard Team Emalee $25.00