Down Syndrome Walk 2024


June 15, 2024 12:00am - 11:59pm

Our Team Fundraising Page

Our Team

Our Story

In Canada, when you are told your child has Down syndrome whether that be a pre-diagnosis or post-birth, you are given a "New Parent Package" - Kinda like an orientation or "What to Expect" information kit.

In those early days with Pip, that was the last thing I wanted to read.

But my husband actually found it crucially helpful.

For me however, I wanted a real, raw look at what to expect from another momma, not factual information from a doctor or organization.

I can remember being so upset & terrified, wanting to throw my daughter's diagnosis & that "New Parent Package" across the hospital room.

Years later I got the most humbling phone call of my life.

I was asked by the Canadian Down Syndrome Society if I'd like to write a letter.

I got to be that momma who gives a real, raw look at what to expect.

I got to pour my heart out into that letter, that now goes in every "New Parent Package" across Canada.

It has been my greatest redemption in how I handled receiving my daughter's Down syndrome diagnosis.

Truly one of my proudest moments in my life that sparked so much of my advocacy work.

We've since worked together on many things, including when Pip was featured on their billboards across Canada & I was their keynote speaker at a conference.

And now my beautiful daughter has been chosen to help again.

She is one-of-ten-people from across Canada who will be leading the way on June 15th.

As we all come together to support Canadians with Down syndrome.

Participate any way you can - Obviously we're going with a Dance Party on our end:)

Register to be part of Pip's Army/Team & help donate here.

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Our Supporters

  • Storey Family Last month $10.00
  • Anonymous May 2024 $100.00
  • Karen Rozsa May 2024 $51.97
  • Anonymous May 2024 $100.00
  • Karen Rozsa May 2024 $51.97
  • Storey Family Last month $10.00