Just 3 years ago, I began my official job with Heatlhy Birth Day Inc. but my story of support for the organization began nearly 18 years ago when Grace Biondi-Morlan unexpectedly died from stillbirth. Kerry and Luke - Grace's parents - where (still are) our next door neighbors. It goes without saying that it was heartbreaking to hear of their loss but it was also shocking. I had two healthy babies and was expecting number three and NO ONE -- not one doctor, nurse, family member or friend had mentioned that stillbirth was a possibility although I had heard of many, many other pregnancy risks.
What I now know - stillbirth happens way more often than it should. In this country alone a family says goodbye to a baby every 22 minutes. This is unacceptable because in many cases it can be preventable. It has been a true honor to watch Kerry Biondi-Morlan turn her unimaginable pain into action. She and Janet, Jan, Tiffan and Kate - the five founding moms of Health Birth Day Inc. - are my heros. All five saving lives and empowering woman through the public health campaign Count the Kicks in honor of their baby girls. This is my 7th year as an Every Woman Counts table captain / fundraiser - I have never missed one (FYI - Glennon Doyle was AMAZING at the first event). This work is changing me from the inside out and I truly believe making a difference in this world.
I would be grateful to have you join me, to join the founder's and their organization Healthy Birth Day Inc. in our mission to save babies with Count the Kicks. You can make a difference too!